
Researchers have suggested that dementia disease could be considered a form of diabetes, often referred to as “Type 3 diabetes.” Early intervention, including nutrition and hair diagnostics, may offer benefits in managing such conditions. The Mayo Clinic and other medical institutions are likely researching and providing guidance on these potential connections and interventions.

hair health

Hair Health Diagnostics

Introducing hair health diagnostics at a cellular level can offer valuable insights into overall health. This advanced approach analyzes hair samples at a microscopic level, revealing cellular composition and nutrient levels.

By examining the hair’s cellular structure and mineral content, healthcare professionals can identify potential deficiencies and imbalances that may impact cognitive health and overall well-being.

When integrated with traditional diagnostic methods, such as blood tests and medical history, hair diagnostics can provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health profile, guiding personalized interventions and nutritional strategies

scalp care

Why Choose MEDI spa ?

Early Detection
Personalised Care
Health Monitoring
Stress Relief
Nutritional Insights
Scalp Care
Hair loss support
Lifestyle Adjustments
Professional Advice
Tele Health
Confidence Boosting
Disease Prevention
Long-Term Savings

Our comprehensive study of hair and scalp with medical professionals provides patients with the knowledge and skills needed to address various hair and health concerns. Our medical practitioners provide personalised TELE HEALTH consultations. To assess and address their hair and health needs. Community Care : We provide HAIR HEALTH DIAGNOSTICS in the community training for individuals who prefer a face to face consultation.

Explore our services to discover how we can help. We offer advanced diagnostics for any other health concerns

Tele health  therapy

Tele Health Services


British pounds

Hair Loss Guidance and Advice

British pounds

male hair loss diagnostics
Tele health  therapy

Hair and Health Follow up Consultation

 British pounds

Quit smoking nicotine program

Suzanne’s quit smoking nicotine program aims to address deficiencies and inefficiencies that may contribute to addiction.

By identifying mineral imbalances, her program helps individuals understand the underlying reasons for their smoking habits.

The “Stop in the Name of Love” campaign encourages swapping nicotine for hope and discovering one’s true potential before it’s too late.

Suzanne emphasizes the importance of early intervention for prostate health and offers a 12-step rehabilitation or a “Grow More Hair” program using mineral hair analysis to address issues stored in tissues from previous generations.

quit smoking nicotine
family wellness

Family Wellness Panel

Comprehensive screening for overall health, identifying potential risks early to promote proactive family wellness.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
Lipid Profile
Blood Pressure Measurement

Genetic Health Profile

Personalised insights into genetic predispositions, enabling informed lifestyle choices and disease prevention strategies for the whole family

DNA Sequencing for Genetic Predispositions
Genetic Counselling Session

Cardiovascular Health Assessment

Evaluation of heart health markers, aiding in the prevention of heart disease and promoting cardiovascular well-being for the entire family. 

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
Lipid Profile
Cardiac Stress Test (if indicated)
Blood Pressure Measurement
Echocardiogram (if indicated)

Nutritional Analysis Panel:

Analysis of nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, facilitating tailored dietary recommendations for optimal family nutrition and vitality.

Vitamin and Mineral Levels Analysis
Macronutrient Profile
Micronutrient Analysis

Paediatric Health Screening

Specialised screening for children, ensuring early detection of developmental issues and promoting long-term health and well-being from an early age.

Growth and Development Assessment
Pediatric Blood Panel
Vision and Hearing Screening
Vaccination Review

Hormone Balance Check

Assessment of hormone levels for both adults and adolescents, promoting hormonal balance and overall health optimisation for the whole family.

Hormone Panel (e.g., testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones)
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Stimulation Test (if indicated)

Metabolic Health Profile

Evaluation of metabolic markers, assisting in the prevention and management of metabolic disorders for improved family health outcomes.

Glucose Tolerance Test
Insulin Sensitivity Test
Lipid Profile
Liver Function Tests

Immune System Analysis

Assessment of immune function, aiding in the identification of potential weaknesses and enhancing immune resilience for the entire family.

Complete Blood Count with Differential
Immunoglobulin Levels
Autoantibody Testing (if indicated)

Mental Health Assessment

Screening for mental health concerns, fostering emotional well-being and promoting family harmony through early intervention and support.

Psychological Evaluation
Depression and Anxiety Screening
Cognitive Function Tests (if indicated)

Aging Well Package

Comprehensive evaluation of age-related health markers, supporting healthy aging and longevity for the whole family.

Bone Density Scan (DEXA)
Joint Function Assessment
Cognitive Function Tests
Hormone Levels Analysis (if indicated)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

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